
Isolate Oil

From: $29.99

  • Organically Grown in USA federally registered facilities
  • Contains virtually 0.0% THC
  • Natural whole plants are fully cultivated
  • Individually tested and examined
  • Legally licensed Company



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Learn more about Isolate CBD Oil

We stand by our product

Clear Choice’s pure isolate CBD oil contains virtually 100% cannabidiol. Through high quality and simplicity in ingredients, our isolate oil provides similar medicinal benefits as medical marijuana such as reducing anxiety, tempering mental stress, alleviating burns, and improving brain functionality naturally.

We are proud to have our products organically grown and distributed in the United States of America. CBD Isolate Oil is naturally extracted from natural whole CBD plants in federally registered facilities and individually tested and examined for quality and purity.


Original Flavor: PCR Hemp Seed Oil


Dropper Sizes

500mg: 15mg per half dropper (approx. 20 drops)
1000mg: 20mg per half dropper (approx. 20 drops)
1500mg: 30mg per half dropper (approx. 20 drops)

How to Take CBD Oil?

Administer a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue, as this is one of the best methods for optimal absorption. This method allows the active ingredients to be readily absorbed through mucus membranes under the tongue, bypassing the digestive system and the need for processing through liver metabolization. While CBD may be ingested normally, the sublingual method speeds up the absorption process for faster results.

How Much CBD Oil Can I Take?

It’s recommended to start with a lower dose of CBD oil, spreading out small dosages throughout the day rather than taking one big dose. After using the same dose for a few days, you can gradually increase the dose as necessary. However, don’t assume a higher dosage will be more effective, as your body can only process a certain amount at a time. There should be an optimum amount for your body and you’ll soon discover it.

We aren’t legally permitted to provide dosages and recommend consulting with a doctor before using our products, especially if you have a of addiction and mental illness, or you’re pregnant/breastfeeding.

Please tell us about your experience using Clear Choice CBD products.

Certificate of Analysis

The amount of THC present in Clear Choice CBD products in under the legal limit of 0.3%. This classifies it as a non-psychoactive substance ensuring it’s safe to use for adults, children and animals.

In rare cases, intolerance of CBD products can lead to side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness and faintness.

As our promise of quality to you, please see our certificate of analysis for this product.


We are an independent supplement supplier. The content of our website hasn’t been evaluated or approved by the FDA. We can’t legally diagnose or treat any medical conditions. Please consult with your doctor before using any supplements or health-related products, including the products listed on our website.

Cannabidiol is derived from industrial hemp, which is legally grown in the US under the Industrial Hemp Farming Act. All products distributed by Clear Choice CBD are legal and comply with the United States Controlled Substances Act.